The Art of Cinema

Alpenglow is only the redirection of light towards
snowcaps like rosedust though some people ponder
the mischief of refractions across peaks. It rises and
falls in a valley like the cadence of voices scooped
from a Mediterranean summer haze, blushing
laze, heat-stricken and searing under my fingernails
like Arctic wafer. There is a language of light and one of
rushing water we speak round the table, smoke furling in
crumbles, eyeing the script. I watch day and night waiting
for anyone to say their lines. The other day I knocked over
a feed-reel, dust-ridden and cigarette-pressed. Loose film
unraveled in spiraling winds down the stairs, around
bunched corners, piling at my feet. I could see you in a
Spaghetti Western: hair flying, fingers bumbling. Smiling
that movie star smile


Artist Bio: Sophie JiHye Yang is currently a senior at Seoul Scholars International School in South Korea. She found interest in art since primary school and has been growing her interest in art ever since. Her favorite artists are Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh. She personally loves the Neo-impressionism era and the Rococo age.

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